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Patriot Clean Out Fundraiser

A personal campaign sponsored by Josh

January 24, 2024


As a disabled veteran myself, I've carried more than just souvenirs from my service as a Medic with the 3rd Battalion, 509th Airborne Infantry out of Anchorage, Alaska. The memories forged in the heat of battle, the quiet moments of shared grit under fire, the unyielding bond of those who faced the unknown together – these are the treasures I hold closest. They taught me the true meaning of camaraderie, a word that holds more weight than any bullet, a bond stronger than any battlefield.

Now, stepping back into civilian life, I couldn't imagine leaving my brothers and sisters in arms behind. That's why I, along with countless others like me, turn to the Disabled American Veterans (DAV). They bridge the gap between battlefield and home, offering vital support and resources to those who've sacrificed so much.

That's why I created this Patriotic shop. Every purchase you make isn't just a statement of national pride, it's a direct injection of support into the DAV's critical programs. Therapy, job training, and housing assistance – these are the lifebloods that rebuild shattered lives and empower veterans to reclaim their futures.

I set a goal of raising $15,000 annually, but that's just the beginning. As this shop grows, so will our commitment. You, too, can be a part of this mission. Browse our unique products, choose your favorite, and know that with every click, you're extending a hand to a fellow vet, whispering, "We got you." Together, let's show our heroes the unwavering support they deserve.


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